
Little India

31 íbúi mælir með,
Little India

Ábendingar heimamanna

September 3, 2019
Little India is known for its traditional Indian restaurants, especially along Serangoon Road and Race Course Road. The busy streets are filled with malls, jewellery stores and tailor shops. The landmark Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple is embellished with colourful statues of Hindu deities.
December 21, 2017
It has sensory overload on many counts, from the amazing flavours, to the vibrant colours of the temples, and sarees (cultural gear worn by Indian women), to everything else. Everyday is so lively there!
December 24, 2019
Once a neighbourhood of Kuala Lumpur, Brickfields was soon labelled as Malaysia’s Little India and became one of the most popular places to visit in KL. You will find a wide variety of Indian stores and restaurants, run by Indians. The area welcomes you with loud Bollywood music being played by the shopkeepers as they sell everything from spices and sweets, to sarees and garlands. Gorge on Indian delicacies here, especially the South Indian fare served on banana leaves. Shops serve customers until late at night, so any time is a great time to go visit this vibrant area. Location: Jalan Travers to Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields Timings: 10:00 – 21:00 Entry fees: Free
Once a neighbourhood of Kuala Lumpur, Brickfields was soon labelled as Malaysia’s Little India and became one of the most popular places to visit in KL. You will find a wide variety of Indian stores and restaurants, run by Indians. The area welcomes you with loud Bollywood music being played by the…
April 10, 2018
fantastic small area with streets with lots of character. Great cultured shops and good value for money.
Former Member
February 22, 2020
Explore Little India in Singapore and immerse in this vibrant district. Find traditional eateries, Hindu temples, spice shops, flower garland vendors and more. Little India’s extravagant biannual event is back this year with a whole new twist catch elements of drama, dance and vehicle convoy, commemorating Singapore’s bicentennial year.

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Borðaðu eins og heimamaður í matarferð

Gististaðir í nágrenninu

  1. Heil eign – raðhús
  2. 1 rúm
Bjart og heillandi 1BR Shophouse Apt, 3 mín í MRT
  1. Herbergi á hönnunarhóteli
  2. 1 rúm
Tvöfalt,sameiginlegt baðherbergi,nálægt Jalan Besar MRT
  1. Sameiginlegt herbergi
  2. 1 rúm
Hylkishylkið þitt í Singapúr (FP-API-401)
  1. Herbergi á hönnunarhóteli
  2. 1 rúm
Herbergi fyrir tvo, DAYUSE, 5 klst.: 17:00-22:00
  1. Herbergi á hönnunarhóteli
  2. 1 rúm
Tvöfaldur,gluggi,sérbaðherbergi -Jalan Besar MRT
  1. Sérherbergi
  2. 1 rúm
Cozy Big Rm @ 10 Mins to Orchard
  1. Heil eign – íbúð
  2. 3 rúm
Allt heimilið í hjarta borgarinnar
  1. Heil eign – leigueining
  2. 1 rúm
Exquisite Balinese stúdíó til leigu
  1. Herbergi á hönnunarhóteli
  2. 1 rúm
Herbergi fyrir tvo, STUTT YFIR NÓTT, 13 klukkustundir: 6PM-7AM
  1. Heil eign – gestaíbúð
  2. 1 rúm
Þjónustustúdíó með einkaeldhúsi/baði í íbúð 2
Engar umsagnir enn
  1. Hótelherbergi
  2. 1 rúm
Cosy Room
  1. Sérherbergi
  2. 1 rúm
Einföld og afslappandi dvöl R1 @ Bugis/Orchard/Dhoby
  1. Sérherbergi
  2. 1 rúm
1+* Sérherbergi @ City Center, við hliðina á MRT
  1. Heil eign – leigueining
  2. 2 rúm
Luxurious New 1 Br near to MRT
  1. Heil eign – leigueining
  2. 1 rúm
Hagstæð einkaeign
  1. Heil eign – leigueining
  2. 1 rúm
Lúxusþakíbúð í Orchard

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