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Springfield, MO

It’s important for you to understand your local laws if you want to become an Airbnb host. We provide a platform and marketplace, but we don’t provide legal advice. Even so, we want to share some info to help you understand laws and other rules that relate to short term rentals in Springfield, MO. The information in this article isn’t exhaustive, but it should help you start your research on local laws. If you have questions, you can contact Springfield city staff by phone or email, or another local authority, such as a local lawyer or tax professional.

Building and housing standards

Springfield enforces rules and regulations that specify minimum construction, design, maintenance standards, habitability, health, and safety. Certain regulations applicable to residential and non-residential uses may be relevant to your listing.

Short-term rental licenses

In Springfield, if you plan to rent your home to guests for a period of less than 30 consecutive days, you’ll need a short-term rental business license.

There are three types of STR (short-term rental) rental licenses, and STR Type 2 rentals require a special permit.

Licensing fees are based on gross receipts and typically range from $25 per year ($0-$10,000 in annual gross receipts) to $105 per year ($200,000 in annual gross receipts). The Type 2 special permit requires an initial fee of $350.

Operational requirements

There are a number of operational requirements that Springfield requires of short-term rental hosts. Maintain these requirements to make sure your license remains in good standing. Read the full ordinance.

Other contracts and rules

As a host, you need to understand and abide by other contracts or rules that bind you, including leases, co-op rules, HOA rules, or other rules established by tenant organizations. You should be able to find out more by contacting your housing authority (such as a community council) or landlord. Your lease (or other contract) might also have specific details.

Our commitment to your community

We are committed to working with local officials to clarify how local rules impact the short-term rental community. We will continue to advocate for changes that will enable people to rent out their homes.

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