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Umsjón með upplifun

Want important tips and tools to help you manage your reservations and your calendar? You’re in the right place. Here’s where you can learn things like how to host a private group or how to schedule repeated instances to make your hosting journey a little easier.

Your Experience page and reservations

One of the best ways to attract guests to your Experience page is to take good, high-quality photos (try to have at least 6). Once a guest books, you’ll get an email notification with the guest’s profile and contact info, and guests will be sent a confirmation with all the details about where and when to meet, and what to bring.

Choosing great photos for your Experience page
Find out how to attract guests with high-quality photos.

How booking works for Experiences
Learn how guests can review your requirements, ask questions, and book.

Hosting Experiences for private groups
Set your preferences so guests can reserve all the spots for a specific Experience.

Updating your calendar

Keeping your calendar up-to-date is important so your guests know when you’re available. If something comes up (things happen) and you need to change your availability—like removing instances that haven’t been booked or changing the time—go to your calendar on Airbnb or in the app. From there, you can also add, edit, and remove multiple instances of your Experience simultaneously from your calendar.

Changing your availability as an Experience Host
Get info on how to make changes to your calendar whenever you want.

Scheduling repeated instances of your Experience
How to add, edit, and remove multiple instances of your Experience simultaneously from your calendar.

Setting a price for your Experience
Learn more about how the Experience Host dashboard helps you set your ideal price.

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  • Upplifunargestgjafi

    Hvernig bókanir á upplifunum fara fram

    Gestir þurfa að fara yfir kröfurnar hjá þér áður en þeir bóka. Þú getur sent gestum skilaboð svo að þið getið kynnst fyrir upplifunina.
  • Upplifunargestgjafi

    Að bjóða upplifun fyrir einkahóp

    Með einkahópum geta gestir pantað öll sæti í tiltekið skipti upplifunar. Þú færð lágmarksverðið hjá þér óháð því hve margir gestir eru í hóp…
  • Upplifunargestgjafi

    Val á frábærum myndum fyrir upplifunarsíðuna

    Þú þarft minnst 6 frábærar hágæðamyndir sem sýna um hvað upplifunin snýst. Myndirnar ættu að segja einstaka sögu og þær verða birtar í reit …
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